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  • How do you keep everyone safe?
    At Mobile Memory Enrichment we make safety a top priority during COVID. That is why we are: Fully vaccinated Masks wearing Wash and sanitize our hands before during, and after every session. We are dedicated to making sure that ALL activity pieces are cleaned and sanitized appropriately.
  • Why are activities important for dementia patients?
    WHY ENGAGING THOSE WITH MEMORY LOSS IS SO IMPORTANT There is a unique grief that accompanies those who care for persons with memory loss. It goes beyond the understanding that we may lose their physical being. It is the understanding that we may have already lost them while they are right in front of us. Perhaps what is most upsetting is that we have no idea what to do to connect with them. We feel our interactions are no longer valid. As we tend to them in every physical way, we are faced with the painful realization that we may feel as displaced and shut out as they do. Much of the time, employing activities, even in facilities, can be a challenge. Understandably, the focus of attention is squarely on daily care spreading thin the time a caregiver can interact with their charge. But research has continually shown that physical activity benefits muscle strength, balance, and the avoidance of falls. Activities that have a cognitive approach heighten awareness, are unparalleled in dealing with behaviors, and may slow progression of the disease. Used together physical and cognitive engagement are exponentially beneficial. There is an incalculable need of activity for those with memory loss and their families. It gives families a time of respite, further it gives them a way to reconnect on many levels and have more meaningful time with their loved one. As time can be precious under any circumstance, caring for a loved one with memory loss can muddle what time there is to enjoy each other. Meaningful activities can reduce exasperation that caregivers sometimes feel in trying to reach and connect with their loved one. Behaviors that sometimes rise from those with memory loss can be frustrating, scary, and may leave families at a loss as to what can be done. Certainly, behaviors can be taxing on primary caregivers but often affect the entire family in undesirable ways. As the loss of connection between the person with memory loss and that of the caregiver fades, there can be an influence on everyone around them causing a connection gap that impacts the whole family. For those with memory loss activities provide pathways to what they once knew and discover what makes them contented, calm, and comfortable in the here and now. Activities are used to assist in alleviating troubling behaviors and encourage development of self-worth and purpose. Losing memory does not mean the end of the person or their feelings. Rather, those feelings are closed away in a place that is often confusing. Perhaps music is the way in, or simple chores often thought to be beyond the capabilities of those with memory loss. Conversation cards, books with intriguing pictures, or even baby dolls can be inspiring. Maybe a loved one carried a favored Teddy Bear as a youngster. Involving a bear may build a bridge of communication. Talking about the rides, the wares, the vendors and involving a loved one in creating corn dogs can bring back the delightful feelings of days at the carnival. A traveling suitcase filled with fascinating photos, memorabilia, and even travel brochures that take one to exotic and wonderful places. So much can be shared and shared again in this one activity. Utilizing a home-visit activities service can be invaluable. Activities can inspire well-being and greater independence, things that are so hard won for those with memory loss. For those tending to a loved one in their homes, a person-based, home-visiting service is legitimately a lifeline. It affords the time for a small hiatus to regroup and reenergize. Feelings of isolation can be severe and detrimental to both family and the person being cared for. A moment to oneself, a moment of fun or self-care; is something that is wholly encouraged. As on a plane flight, you must put the oxygen over your own face first to assist others. Familiarity in surroundings and the feelings of safety are paramount for those who live with memory loss. Introducing activities and teaching the family ways that their loved one can still engage is nearly miraculous. Having all of this using an in-home service, without the need to transport, is the ultimate benefit. Overall, understanding, recognizing, and utilizing taught activities can enrich the person and the family. “Giving every individual with memory loss a sense of purpose through life-enriching activities.” -Mobile Memory Enrichment
  • What do we offer?
    All-inclusive activities focusing on what participants CAN do. ALL inclusive no matter the memory loss stage or ability. Person-tailored enrichment plans that are surrounding participants' interests Positive reminiscing activities Positive Mental stimulating activities Exercise Drum Circles Music oriented activities Fostering peer-to-peer connections Fostering family and dementia participant connections through activities Activity Training (if needed/wanted) Crafts-All included unless requesting specific projects and materials Participant Food making Suitcase Travel Aromatherapy Individual/Group Activities Activity approach training and assistance Tailored activity calendars for the time allotted Bi-weekly check in with caregivers and family This is an in-home/zoom meeting to discuss how the activities are progressing with participants, enjoyments, behaviors, etc. And much much more! (At Mobile Memory Enrichment, we follow HIPAA policy)
  • What are your charging?
    We have various plans tailored to individuals, groups and run promotions. Please check our website to see what promotions we have. Please feel free to call or message us if you have any questions.
  • Is it possible to care for someone with dementia at home?
    This is a common question. The answer is, it depends on various factors. -Are there family members that are able to help? -How safe is the home? -What support systems are in place? -Do they have to live with someone? -What is their financial standing? -Can you afford in-home services? -Can they live alone with supportive services? -Do they need round the clock care? The goal is to keep them at home as long as it benefits you and them. Every circumstance is different.
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